Five Things Friday

I’m doing a Five Things Friday get-to-know-each-other post with my 2021 accountability group on Facebook, and thought it would be a good time to share here as well! It’s a fun way to get-to-know the face behind the blog and the coaching.

Five Questions :

  1. What do you love about where you live?

  2. What is/are your fitness goals for 2021?

  3. What is your guilty-pleasure snack or treat?

  4. Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?

  5. What is your favorite color?

  1. I love where I live in Southwest Virginia because it has the convenience of being close to groceries and a social life without the busy/crowded feel of a city, and has the beauty of a rural area with lots of great outdoor activities.

  2. My primary goal for 2021 is to train smarter not harder so that I can run strong and successfully without getting injured. My stretch goal is to run a personal best in any race distance because it hasn’t happened in many years.

  3. Dark chocolate M&Ms. I keep a jar of them on my desk and have been known to eat them by the handful…if I get annoyed or stressed by work you can bet I will be needing a jar-refill soon.

  4. Hot weather, hands down. I am always cold and I can’t stand it. I can have so much more fun outside when I’m not weighed down by layers and shivering!

  5. Purple!

I’d love to hear your Five Things!

Leave them in the comments :)


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