Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

May 2024

“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” 

- Vince Lombardi

Coach’s Commentary

The quote above hits home for me right now.  I spend a lot of time wishing I could run as fast as I used to, and not a lot of time putting in the training to find out how fast I can be now.  Sure, 10-12 years ago when I was “fast” I didn’t have to do any specific training for it, I could just go out and run hard every day and finish a half marathon in 1:30. But I’m not in my mid twenties anymore.  I’m in my late 30s.  And now, if I want something, I’m going to have to not only work for it, I’m going to have to work hard for it.  The idea is daunting.  I’m going to have to decide how badly I want to PR the half marathon again, and if I want it badly enough, I’m going to have to make a plan and stick to it.  And sure, another head cold or back injury can put me out just as easily when I’m training hard as when I’m not.  And yes, I have started to put in the work before, only to be sidelined by a head cold or injury, and then I lose the motivation.  But if this is a goal I really want to achieve, I’m going to have to keep working at it.  I’ll need to take the time to recover from setbacks, but once recovered I will need to get back to training instead of giving up for awhile.  That’s the hardest part.  Picking yourself back up after every set back and staying determined to work for your goal no matter how many setbacks interrupt your progress.  

Think about a fitness or health goal you have for yourself.  How committed are you?  Are you doing everything you can to work for it, or are you just hoping you will achieve it by accident, without any hard work? Be honest with yourself!  If you aren’t already putting in the hard work, you’ll need to decide if it’s time to start working, or if it’s time to reevaluate your goal.  

Currently Recommending

Looking for recommendations on running gear or races?  Check out WeeViews!  



I coach runners from complete beginners to marathoners, and I want run coaching to be accessible to anyone who wants it.  If you are unable to afford my coaching prices but are really needing some guidance with your running, please reach out.  Maybe we can work something out, whether it be some kind of barter situation or just a discounted plan.  I can also offer group rates if you get a group of friends together who are all at approximately the same level.  


Here is a 5 minute full body workout to try.  Perfect for a busy day.  If you have more time you can repeat it! 

Quick Dumbbell Workout

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Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

April 2024

“Do the best you can until you know better.  Then when you know better, do better.” 

- Maya Angelou

Coach’s Commentary

My Instagram feed blew up regarding a Washington Post article a little over a week ago.  I don’t have access to the Washington Post article, but I saw their Instagram post, and I saw various screenshots of the article from people with access.  It seems that the basic gist of the article is that birth control is completely safe and anyone telling you they have/had bad side effects while on BC is lying.  They make a generalized statement about the dangers of using knowledge of your cycle to avoid pregnancy instead (they allude to the rhythm method and it’s high failure rate, but don’t bother to mention that the rhythm method is outdated and has been replaced with several scientific-based methods that have high success rates when learned properly).  They completely gaslight and minimize the many women who have experienced terrible side effects from birth control, and attempt to vilify those who are searching for better alternatives.  They ignore the fact that the side effects are real, they are listed in the prescription pamphlets, and they can be dire for some people, up to and including death. 

Women have a right to choose birth control, but they also have a right to be fully informed about the potential side effects, and they deserve to be heard when they experience side effects. Furthermore, they have a right to be taught how their body works, and to be given the option to learn how to pay attention to the signs and know how to avoid pregnancy naturally if they choose to.  The Washington Post had an opportunity to help women be heard and fight for better healthcare, and instead they dismissed women as we have been being dismissed for ages.  If you are a woman who has never been gaslit or ignored by your doctor, then you are among the lucky few.  My guess would be most of you reading this have had an experience at some point where your doctor brushed off a concern about something health-related.  This is unacceptable, and we need to fight to be heard and helped.  I may be primarily a run coach and personal trainer, but I also care deeply about women’s health and am sick of hearing about women’s negative experiences with healthcare providers and procedures. Women who are reading this, please know that you have a right to be heard, respected, and helped by healthcare professionals, and that if someone isn’t treating you with respect and compassion, you can and should find another provider.  

Currently Recommending

Podcasts with Stacy Sims  

Stacy Sims is a leading expert in women’s health and fitness especially as we age and go through perimenopause and menopause.  These podcast interviews she has done are definitely worth a listen!

When Life Gives You Lemons - Interview with Dr. Stacy Sims 

  • Why women shouldn’t do intermittent fasting.

Behind Her Empire - Interview with Dr. Stacy Sims

  • How women should be training, building muscle, and eating.

The Wild Performance Podcast : Interview with Dr. Stacy Sims & Caroline Criado Perez

  • Are women small men?

The Optimal Body : Interview with Dr. Stacy Sims

  • Training and nutrition through menopause


I have been holding a giveaway on Instagram at the end of each month.  Sometimes it’s a caption contest, sometimes it’s a video challenge, some months it may be as simple as liking/sharing a post of mine!  Giveaway prizes will vary, but will involve one or more of my services.  Be sure to follow my Instagram so you don’t miss out! 

Instagram : @running4thehills 


Need some motivation to build healthy habits?  Do you like using checklists to show your accomplishments each day?  Give this one a try for April. Click the link, then select “make a copy.”  You can then download to PDF and print.

daily goals tracker

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Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

March 2024

“All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.” 

- Calvin Coolidge

Coach’s Commentary

Shout out to R4H athletes Lawrence and Emily who had great 10k performances recently at Strawberry Plains! They both worked hard and had great finish times earning them each 2nd place age group awards.  I unfortunately had to DNF my half marathon due to a back injury, but it enabled me to be there at the finish line to watch both of them finish, which I would have missed otherwise.  Getting to celebrate their accomplishments definitely helped alleviate some of my own disappointment.  Honestly, as much as I love running and competing, I think I get an even bigger “runner’s high” from watching my athletes achieve their goals.  I get so excited every time I watch one of my athletes cross the finish line, it honestly makes me so emotional!  

My decision to DNF my own race was definitely not an easy one, but I know it was the right one.  It is hard to work for an outcome and then lose the opportunity due to an unrelated injury, but sometimes that is the way life works out.  I preach to my athletes about listening to their bodies, and this was definitely a day when I had to take my own advice.  Could I have run the race?  Yes.  And I started the race, just in case I would be able to make it.  But my back started spasming from my first step, and after giving it one mile to loosen up (unsuccessfully), I knew stopping was the right choice.  I could have pushed through the 13 miles despite the spasms and pain, but I wouldn’t have been able to run as fast as I had hoped, and I would have set my recovery so far back I may have had to forfeit my next race as well.  

All this to say, when my athletes suffer setbacks and bad days, I am here to support them and help them through.  I know personally what it is like to work hard for an outcome only to have things go wrong the week before or day of, and that is part of life as a runner/athlete.  We have to be able to put in the hard work physically, but we also have to mentally tough and accept when things don’t go our way without getting discouraged and giving up.  There will always be bad days and bad seasons, but as long as we don’t give up, there is no reason to lose hope for our goals and dreams.  I am here to celebrate client wins and support them in the disappointments. I am here to help with the mental game as well as the physical one, because both are equally important when it comes to running.

Currently Recommending

The Feed : #1 Resource for Athletes (performance snacks, nutrition, etc.)

Do you feel like you need to be fueling better before/after runs with gels or bars but are having trouble finding the ones you like best?  Check out where you can browse many different options and buy single servings of various products to help you find what you like without committing to a whole box.  I don’t get anything from the Feed for recommending it to you, I just have been appreciating the ability to try many different gels on my own search for the perfect one, and wanted to share the resource with you!


“Founding Member” spots for my workout video database are filling up!  The first ten people to join get a lifetime* membership of just $30 every 3 months.  The database currently has 26 videos, and a new one is added every Wednesday morning.  Videos range in length from 10-45 minutes, and most are 20-30 minutes long, which is perfect for busy people looking for a short but effective workout.  Members have the opportunity to input suggestions for future workout videos if they are looking for something in particular.  

Email me to learn more or sign up. 


Looking for a challenging workout? Give this one a try!  There are only 12 exercises, but each is done for 2:00 minutes non stop followed by a 1:00 recovery before jumping into the next exercise.  

Dumbbell Interval Workout

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Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

February 2024

“I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.” 

- Florence Nightingale

Coach’s Commentary

If you sign up for coaching with me, you get more than just a running plan.  In addition to sitting down with you (in person or through video chat) to talk about your running journey and your goals, I will also ask you about strength training and nutrition habits.  Successful running involves more than just a running plan. Without the proper strength training and nutrition to support your runs, you will be more prone to injury and/or fatigue and will also likely see fewer gains.  If you are a female with naturally cycling hormones I can even help you design your workouts around your menstrual cycle for maximum benefits. If you aren’t interested in getting this nitty gritty with your training, that’s ok too!

Once we start working together, I am available to answer any questions that might pop up for you as you train.  If I don’t know the answer, I will research it for you!  A few weeks ago, someone came to me saying that they had shin splints for the first time ever and had no idea why.  They were confused because they have been training for years and never had this particular problem, and so had no idea why it would randomly appear.  I asked if they had recently started wearing a new pair of non-running shoes.  It turned out that they had recently gone hiking in a less-than-optimal pair of shoes.  Of course, not all problems are as easy to solve as this one was, but that’s ok, and that is why I am always completing continuing education to be able to help you best. I became a running coach because I want to help others love running and find success in it however they want to.  I draw on my own personal experiences to influence my coaching, but I also completed a run coaching certification through the United Endurance Sport Coaching Academy in order to be knowledgeable about all things running and to be up to date on the latest training and recovery science.  I complete continuing education every two years in order to maintain the coaching certification and my personal training certification through NASM and  I am currently working on a course about balance training.  If you have spoken to me recently you probably know that I hold balance training to be extremely important, so I am excited to be digging into this topic in depth! 

Currently Recommending

Good for a Girl : A Woman Running in a Man’s World by Lauren Fleshman

Are you aware of the unique challenges that girls face in sport vs boys? If you’re curious, or if you have a daughter who is or will be active in sports, this book is a great read!  For many years, girls have been trained just like boys, even though their bodies and hormones are different.  This has led to many young women having to cut their promising athletic careers short due to eating disorders and the host of health problems that accompany them, not to mention the rampant sexism prevalent in sports. Good for a Girl is about Lauren Fleshman’s experiences in the world of running, both while in school and professionally.  


If you follow me on social media, you may have noticed my recent obsession with bone broth. I have had several people inquire about it and ask for more information.  Bone broth is created by cooking bones for 10-12 hours in order to extract nutrients.   It has been used by various cultures throughout time for various medicinal purposes.  While I don’t believe that bone broth can replace modern medicine, I do believe in giving my body all the help it can get and supporting it through food choices as much as I can.  I’m sure you’ve all heard of eating chicken noodle soup when sick because of the health benefits.  Chicken bone broth is like an extra concentrated, even more beneficial version! If you want to learn more or make your own, follow the links below.

Run4theHills Blog : Chicken Bone Broth

The Minimalist Baker - How to make bone broth

Ossa Organic : The history of bone broth : 5 health benefits of bone broth

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Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

January 2024

“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.” 

- Jerry Rice

Coach’s Commentary

2024! I still can’t believe 2023 is over.  Some years seem to pass quicker than others, but 2023 flew by super fast.  Here it is January again already and the start of my 3rd year writing newsletters!  Last year I wrote about the importance of making New Year’s goals with a positive mindset instead of a negative one.  I won’t repeat myself again this year, but if you missed that particular message and would like to read it, you can find it here. 

For this year’s new year message, I just want to request that if you are making health/fitness related lifestyle changes to kick off the new year, please think carefully about whether or not those changes will help in the long term.  Are they quick-fix changes that will see rapid results but then plateau and fail?  Or are they slow changes implemented over time that will be sustainable long term?  I know many people want to lose weight after the holidays, and I totally understand the desire in our culture that promotes thinness (often at the cost of health).  Please remember that your health is more important than the number you see on the scale, that there are safe and effective ways if that is truly what you need, and that the safest and most effective methods are those that implement small sustainable changes over time.  

Are there any particular topics you would like to see me research and write about in my newsletters this year? I’m always open to ideas; I want to write about whatever health/fitness topic interests you! Fill out this quick survey (there’s only 1 question on it) and let me know.  Newsletter topic request

Featured Resource

Do you have questions about women’s health and fertility awareness but are having trouble finding the answers you are looking for?  Check out the Fertility Friday podcast!  Lisa Hendrickson-Jack is a fertility awareness instructor and hosts a podcast where she digs into many different women’s health topics in a way that is easy to follow and understand.  From PCOS to endometriosis to questions about birth control and its side effects, she covers it all.  Browse through her episodes and find the ones that interest you.  She also has a great book called “The Fifth Vital Sign” that I own and will lend out to anyone local to me who would like to read it.  


I offer a monthly/yearly private Facebook group where I post health/fitness bingo challenges each month, and helpful health/fitness tips & ideas several times a week.  If you are a paying client of any of my other services, membership in this group is free!  If you are not a paying client, you can be a member of the group for $100/year or $15/month.  

Email me with any questions or to sign up!

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Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

December 2023

It’s hard to believe another year is almost over!  I have had a wonderful year of helping people with their running and fitness/health dreams and I am so grateful for the opportunity! Thank YOU for reading my newsletter each month.  Please let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to see in my newsletter, I’m always open to suggestions.  If you would like to support my business but don’t have the funds to sign up for coaching right now, a way you can support me for free is to share this newsletter or my social media accounts with your friends/family.  

Facebook - Run 4 the Hills Coaching                        Instagram - running4thehills

Below I have listed some client successes from this year.  I am so proud of all of my athletes!

A.B.  ran her first and second half marathons this year.  She exceeded her expectations on the first one, and ran the second one even faster despite  a much hillier course.  She then went on to PR the 5k in November.

L.F.  battled setbacks and injuries throughout the summer but we didn’t give up on his half marathon dream and after careful training to recover and rebuild, he ran a very strong and successful race this fall.

R. H. had a great cross country season, showing improvements in speed and race strategy throughout the season.  She was able to finish strong with a season PR at the state meet, despite a minor injury setback a few weeks prior. 

E. P. ran a 5 minute half marathon PR on a tough sunny & hilly course, beating her previous time on that particular course by 6 minutes. 


If you have a moment, please fill out this survey to help me make my newsletter even better! I would love to hear your feedback about what you do and don’t like about my newsletter.  Thank you!

Newsletter Survey


“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” 

- Madeleine Albright

In Case You Missed It 

I’m now offering 3 different pricing options for my Running 101 beginner program!  The program is written as 30 weeks, but is self-paced so it may take you more or less time to complete. You can purchase the whole program to do on your own for $300, purchase 5 weeks at a time for $60, or (with a minimum of 3 people) pay a $45/month group coaching rate. Of course, there is also always the private coaching option for $85/month where I help you every step of the way! 

Email me with any questions or to sign up!


 Use this bingo card to help you through the holiday season from December 10 til January 10.

Holiday Bingo


Do you enjoy this newsletter?  Please share with your friends, or consider sending a small tip to support me so I can continue providing helpful content each month.


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Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

November 2023

Fall is in the air!  We haven’t quite reached peak leaves at the time that I am typing this, but they will probably be at peak by the time this newsletter goes out.  What is your favorite fall activity?  This is a time of year when all those tough hot & humid runs start to pay off as the weather cools and the stress on our bodies while running diminishes.  I know it is definitely getting easier for me to breathe as the humidity and temperature both decrease, although I am sad to see the warm weather leave. Hopefully we will get a nice long fall to enjoy running in comfortable weather before the true winter cold sets in.

Does it feel like your training is getting so much easier now that it is cooler out?               Let me know how it is going! 

Meal Prep

Rice - Beef - Broccoli

This week, the randomizer chose rice, beef, and broccoli.  This beef & broccoli recipe is pretty straightforward and would be great on top of rice!

Would you like to use the randomizer to help give you meal prep ideas?  Click the link below and then click the “make a copy” button.  Instructions for how to use the randomizer are at the top of the spreadsheet.  

Meal Prep Randomizer


This is a ten minute workout of standing exercises only!  No equipment necessary, and perfect when you are crunched for time but want some mood-boosting exercise.


Need to relieve some stress before bed?  Try this twelve minute yoga video!

Cardio : re-visit a summer workout

Try repeating a speed workout that you struggled with during the summer and see if it feels a lot easier now that the air is cooler and less humid. 

Currently Recommending

The Optimal Body Podcast : Understanding Hormone Health & Regaining Balance


“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” 

- Thomas Edison

In Case You Missed It 

New to running or hoping to start running soon?  Check out this blog post I wrote with tips for beginning runners!

3 tips for beginning runners


This month, I am giving you access to a video from my video subscription database.  This video has one round of a balance-focused workout.  It can be repeated multiple times for a more strenuous workout.  You will need a set of dumbbells.  

Balance Workout


Do you enjoy this newsletter?  Please share with your friends, or consider sending a small tip to support me so I can continue providing helpful content each month.


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Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

October 2023

When was the last time you went on a hike?  Where did you go? Sometimes it seems like too much trouble to go for a hike - you have to choose a location, pack water and snacks, have the right footwear, and then spend the time driving, which can be a substantial amount of time depending on where you live.  I’ve gone long periods of time without hiking just because I don’t feel like spending the time in the car, but on the occasions when I do convince myself to go hiking, I certainly never regret it!  Whether I am alone, with my husband, or with friends, I always enjoy hiking, and it usually feels rejuvenating as well.  Something about getting out there in nature is so good for the soul.  The fresh air, the beautiful views, the lack of industrial noise; the whole experience is just so refreshing! If you haven’t been hiking in awhile, how about making a commitment to make it happen this month?

Tell me about your last hike!  Would you recommend it to others? 

Meal Prep

Pasta - Ham - Peas

This week, the randomizer chose pasta, ham, and peas. This recipe looks relatively easy and sounds yummy!

Would you like to use the randomizer to help give you meal prep ideas?  Click the link below and then click the “make a copy” button.  Instructions for how to use the randomizer are at the top of the spreadsheet.  

Meal Prep Randomizer


This 20 minute full body workout is friendly for small spaces - no equipment necessary, and no jumping!


This 15 minute video will help you relieve the stiffness from lying in bed all night, and get you ready for your day!

Cardio : Hill Time!

Now that the weather is cooler, those hill sprints should feel a little bit easier! Go find your favorite hill and walk/ run some repeats!  Fewer repeats for a longer hill, more repeats for a shorter one.

Currently Recommending

The Holley Fueled Nutrition Podcast : Stevia &  Artificial Sweeteners


“If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” 

- Steve Jobs

In Case You Missed It 

I am now offering a new service : a subscription-based video database!  The first 10 people to join will pay only $30 every 3 months for the lifetime of their membership.  Sign up soon to take advantage of this unbeatable deal!

Sign me up!


This month, I am giving you a fitness bingo card to help motivate you throughout the month! (Try to complete all the squares within 1 month from whichever  day you start, by only checking off one box per day.) Click the link and then select “make a copy.”

October Fitness Bingo


Do you enjoy this newsletter?  Please share with your friends, or consider sending a small tip to support me so I can continue providing helpful content each month.


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Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

September 2023

Do you strength train consistently?  If not, do you want to start?  What are the barriers that prevent you from strength training?  I currently offer a once-weekly online class that is recorded for all members, and I recently started an in-person class at a local gym.  In addition to those options, I am considering opening up a workout video subscription service.  I would create a members-only database of workout videos, with one or two  new videos added weekly.  Videos would range from 10 minutes to 45, and follow a variety of different workout types. 

Would you potentially be interested in subscribing to my workout video database? Let me know!  I’m looking for 10 founding members  who are interested in paying $30  for a 3 month subscription.      Email me for more information or to sign up! 

Meal Prep

Potatoes - Fish - Carrots

This week, the randomizer chose potatoes, fish, and carrots. I found this sheet pan recipe that sounds perfect and super easy!  (Feel free to skip the fennel.)

Would you like to use the randomizer to help give you meal prep ideas?  Click the link below and then click the “make a copy” button.  Instructions for how to use the randomizer are at the top of the spreadsheet.  

Meal Prep Randomizer


Here’s a 30 minute intense HIIT workout to try.  You don’t need any equipment, and there are no repeated exercises!


This 25 minute yoga video is geared towards strength, flexibility, and mobility.

Cardio : Cooler Weather

Now that the weather is cooling off (hopefully, maybe), you should feel all your summer heat-training paying off!  It should feel much easier to run in the cooler temperatures, and you should feel stronger without the heat holding you back.  On the hotter days, continue to keep your effort easier and stay well hydrated. 

Currently Recommending

The Optimal Body Podcast : The Science of HIIT Workouts


“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.” 

- John Wooden

In Case You Missed It 

I posted a blog recently about what it really means when we tell women they need to “lift heavy.” Spoiler - it doesn’t mean you need to go from not lifting at all, straight to bench pressing your body weight. It just means that you need to start (or continue) lifting weights that are heavy for YOU.


This month, I am giving you the first video that I have created for  my upcoming  video subscription database. It’s 21 minutes long, and utilizes resistance bands.  Check it out and let me know what you think!

Beginner Resistance Band Workout


Do you enjoy this newsletter?  Please share with your friends, or consider sending a small tip to support me so I can continue providing helpful content each month.


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Gretchen Addison Gretchen Addison

August 2023

How is your training going throughout these hot summer months?  Hopefully you have time to exercise when it’s cooler in the mornings or evenings!  Personally, I prefer evenings because the humidity is more oppressive in the mornings.   No matter when you run, it is especially important to make sure you are properly hydrated during these hotter months.  This summer I  succumbed to the need to carry hydration with me on runs.  I had a few runs early in the summer when I got nauseous and lightheaded; it was quite unpleasant!  Carrying a small handheld water bottle with either plain water or water + hydration powder has eliminated those symptoms for me, so now I just make sure not to run without my handheld.  I probably don’t need it every time, but it makes me feel better to know that I have it just in case.  Better safe than sorry is definitely the name of the game right now!

What’s your favorite company/flavor of hydration powder? Send me an email! 

Meal Prep

Quinoa - Turkey - Brussels Sprouts

This week, the randomizer chose quinoa, turkey, and brussels sprouts. I found this recipe for a hash that sounds great!

Would you like to use the randomizer to help give you meal prep ideas?  Click the link below and then click the “make a copy” button.  Instructions for how to use the randomizer are at the top of the spreadsheet.  

Meal Prep Randomizer


Here’s a 30 minute full body HIIT workout to try.


I’m sure many of us need to be better about unwinding at the end of the day.  Here’s a yoga video to help us do just that!

Cardio : Stay hydrated!

We’re having a scorcher of a summer here in Southwest Virginia, and I know many other parts of the country are also getting hit with some crazy heat waves.  Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and electrolytes throughout the day so you don’t get dehydrated!  (And remember, you need to keep your water and electrolytes balanced, so don’t just drink plain water!) There are many different hydration mixes available out there, try some and see which one you like best!  My personal favorite is Tailwind Nutrition, but it doesn’t have as much salt as some of the others such as Skratch Labs.  If you are a saltier sweater, you’ll especially need to make sure your hydration mix has adequate electrolytes.  

Currently Recommending

Femammal Podcast : Energy and mood throughout the menstrual cycle. 


“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.  The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” 

- Winston Churchill

In Case You Missed It 

I posted a blog recently about some considerations for female athletes that are different from considerations for male athletes.  For too many years, female athletes were treated and trained just like men, and that does them a huge disservice!  Females are different from males in many ways, from their hormones to their body composition.  Taking the differences into account allows for much more effective and successful training.  Check out the blog post for some of the considerations.


This month, I am giving you 1 week of my Running 101 plan!  This beginner running plan starts out extra easy to help prevent injuries and exhaustion that can slow you down and delay your progress.  (Click the link and then select “make a copy.”)

Running 101 : Week 1


Do you enjoy this newsletter?  Please share with your friends, or consider sending a small tip to support me so I can continue providing helpful content each month.


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