Monday Minute 10/26/20

This week was fairly calm compared to previous weeks. The one assignment I had for my new job only took me a few hours so I spent the rest of the week waiting for a Friday morning meeting to explain my next assignment. Now that I have both assignments, I should be able to log some more hours next week. I’m still awaiting the point where I know exactly what I need to do each week and how long it will take me so that I can write myself a schedule. It’s been hectic trying to do the new work, get my blog posts written, and design my workouts because I just don’t function well without a schedule. And I can’t make myself a schedule if I don’t know exactly what is going on each week! So I have been doing a lot of scrambling to write blog posts at the last minute instead of having them done days in advance like I was doing in the beginning. My brain is this weird combination of a get-it-done mentality and a procrastination mentality that are constantly battling each other. 🤦🏻‍♀️

My runs were a bit easier this week too. I was hoping for an easy day on Monday, and Corey agreed with me, but then someone else pushed the pace instead! I couldn’t really complain though, it felt good. 🤷🏻‍♀️I then went heavy on the arms in my workout classes on Tuesday resulting in sore shoulders for a day or two afterwards. And I squatted with 10 pounds instead of bodyweight, which I didn’t think would be a big deal but apparently 10 pounds is a big difference because my butt was pretty sore the next day. 😂Since I was sore and I’m vary wary of injury right now, I ran easy on Wednesday, and on Thursday I decided not to do a track workout. I ran 2 miles to the track to coach an athlete, then after coaching I ran 2 miles back to my car and called it a day. On Friday I biked with hubs and enjoyed pushing my limits up a hill to PR a Strava segment by almost 45 seconds. And on Sunday I ran an easy 7 miler with Corey to finish out the week. My lungs have been on the struggle bus this week, probably from all those gorgeous leaves falling and decaying. I enjoy their beauty, but fall allergy season is far less enjoyable!

In food news for this week…we bought buckwheat flour and grits from Arbaugh Farm (owned by a friend of mine in Lewisburg, WV) and we made buckwheat pancakes on Thursday and some grits on Saturday. I loved the pancakes, and though I’m still not a grit-lover, I did like the grits better than any others I’ve had…and hubs said they were the best he’s had, and he IS a grit-lover.

On Thursday we had our almost weekly surf n turf home cooked meal and we grilled some zucchini…it was the best-cooked zucchini we’ve ever had!

We also bought a leg of lamb from a new butcher shop that just opened up in Abingdon, Snow’s Fine Meats, and we ate that for dinner tonight. Much more yummy and tender than the lamb chops we bought from the farmer’s market a month or more ago.

In business news, if you missed the announcement, I still have stickers for sale ($3), and I will be ordering Headsweats hats next week! Email me if you would like a sticker, and fill out this Google Form if you would like a hat.

That’s all the news for now…have a great week!


Workout Wednesday 10/28/20


Foodie Friday : Zucchini Egg Bake