Monday Minute 6/7/21

The garden is growing! No vegetables yet- the only thing in the vegetable garden that even has flowers is the tomatoes, but the spinach, arugula, and basil are booming! We’ve been enjoying delicious salads and fresh pesto, and can’t wait to pick some veggies!


Another crazy month gone by! My body is currently at odds with my desire to exercise and be in the best shape of my life, but I haven’t completely give up yet. The tendonitis in my foot is being stubborn, so I’m down to running about twice a week and only on soft surfaces. I did new impressions for the orthotics company so I’m hoping that will help my next pair of orthotics to be better. Since my running has decreased, my lungs have rebelled and refuse to work properly, so I’m also on a new asthma inhaler in an attempt to combat that. Oh, and my shoulder is still messed up from COVID vaccine #2. I haven’t been able to do much with that arm at all in terms of exercising. I teach my workout classes with one arm. Hopefully the MRI on 6/9 will offer answers towards recovery. (For a free vaccine, it sure is costing a lot in medical bills.)

I can’t wait til my fitness life gets back to normal, but in the meantime I am trying to keep my spirits up (not being able to run consistently is a total mood-killer for me but I’m trying so hard not to let it bring me down). The weather has been hot and sunny and I have enjoyed getting outside for any forms of exercise and for hiking. We went on waterfall hikes twice in the past week!



I’m offering a free get-together at the track once a week, for any and all to come walk/jog/run laps together. Anyone who shows up is offered a personalized workout for the day based on their current fitness level and training goals. Participants are also welcome to do their own workout if the prefer. The main goal is social/community to spend some time together and encourage each other!

I’ve consolidated my 3 workout classes into 2 for the summer, one on Tuesday evening and one on Thursday evening. With my newfound ability to figure out techie things thanks to this year’s part-time job, I have been playing with technology and am trying out a new camera overlay in tonight’s workout class so that participants can see the exercise list on the screen with my video! My newfound ability to figure out how to do such things will probably never cease to amaze me.


WW 6/16/21 : left & right


WW 5/19/21 : equipment free ab workout