Monday Minute 8/24/20

It was another PT-filled week for me. I wasn’t able to go on Monday because of traveling back from WV, but I was there for a solid 2 hours each on Wednesday and Friday, and they worked me hard both days! And of course I have my stretches to do at home twice a day. On Friday, I FINALLY got the go-ahead to run 2 days in a row, which was pretty exciting, even if I did still have to keep them easy and flat. I am getting very impatient to get back to running as usual, but this whole experience has shown me how hard I will need to work to make sure I keep all these muscles strong going forward.

This week I really enjoyed running with my athlete Paula to help her hit her paces. I ran her track workout with her on Thursday - 3 sets of alternating 1200s and 600s, and on Saturday I ran with her and her husband Billy (also my athlete) to help them complete a 5 mile run with no stopping to check that box off of their #back2schoolbingofit challenge cards.


For weekend run #2, I headed to the Creeper trail with hubs and the kids & bikes, and we enjoyed a nice easy 3 miles together.


We ended the weekend by having 2 other families over to slip n slide and eat pizza and we had a blast! I spent most of the time in the kitchen making pizza so I didn’t take any pictures…


Workout Wednesday 8/26/20


Foodie Friday : Tuna Risotto & Roasted Veggies