Workout Wednesday 8/19/20

I’ve got a good beginner workout for you this week! Grab your mat and a pair of dumbbells and give it a try! The video below will walk you through one round. If you need to break up any of the exercises into smaller sets, that’s perfectly fine! (ex. 2 rounds of 10 lunges instead of 1 round of 20) I didn’t take any defined rest in between exercises, but you can time out 5-10 seconds rest if you’d like. Then take a longer break (30-60 seconds) between each round.


Mini-workout 8/19/20

30 jumping jacks

20 lunges

10 bicep curls

30 boxer twist

20 shoulder L

10 squats

Complete 3-5 rounds.

Try it out and let me know how it went!


Foodie Friday : Tuna Risotto & Roasted Veggies


Monday Minute 8/17/20