Monday Minute 3/1/21

It’s probably about time for another update, don’t you think? February was its usual cold, windy, snowy self, but the last day of the month was 70 degrees and sunny, so that was really nice!


How many screens is too many screens in a home office? Not pictured is my iPad which I sometimes use to play music or a show in the background while I work… I never had any idea how much I would appreciate multiple screens until I started using them…game changer!


February was a fairly low-mileage month for me, as I decided to take a full 6 days off of running after my half marathon at the end of January. Normally I get a few forced breaks in the winter while sick or recovering from various head colds and terrible coughs, but thanks to the current state of things, I haven’t been sick since last February! So I decided that an intentional break from running would probably be a good idea in order to make sure I don’t overtrain. The first few days of the break weren’t bad, but by the end I was definitely itching to run again!! I did walk and easy-bike during the break though, so at least I wasn’t just stagnant. Once I got back to my usual weekly runs, I felt great, and have even started incorporating some track workouts back into the mix. I’m looking forward to my next in-person half marathon on March 20!


I was able to add a third workout class to my schedule recently, and my three classes are going really well! I enjoy the challenge of writing the different workouts each week while making sure each class gets a good variation with no repetitive exercises from week to week. I also really enjoy the social aspect of my workout classes; it doesn’t quite make up for the lack of in-person classes, but it is as close as we can get for now and the online format does allow me to connect with people who don’t live nearby, so that has been an added bonus.


Workout Wednesday 3/3/2021


Workout Wednesday 2/24/21