Workout Wednesday 2/24/21

This week’s equipment-free workout is centered on improving balance. Dumbbells or other equipment can be added to increase the difficulty, but you can absolutely do this one with no equipment at all!

  1. Skaters

  2. Single leg balance reach

  3. Single leg calf raises

  4. Bird dog

  5. Boxer twist


  1. Complete skaters faster or slower, or add a hop on each foot.

  2. Stand on a softer/less stable surface to make it harder, don’t reach all the way to the floor to make it easier.

  3. Stand on a softer/less stable surface to make them harder, hold on to a chair/wall to make them easier.

  4. Add a resistance band above the knees to make it harder, lift arms & legs separately instead of simultaneously to make it easier.

  5. Add a dumbbell to make it harder, place feet on floor to make it easier.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!


Monday Minute 3/1/21


In the Kitchen Episode 2 : Bagels