Workout Wednesday 8/12/20

Another week, another workout. I like creating these mini-workouts because I know everyone is busy, and it can be hard to fit in time for your strength training. The mini workouts I post each week don’t take more than 10-20 minutes, but they are sure to leave your muscles burning! This week’s equipment-free workout is focused entirely on the abs and it’s sure to leave them begging for mercy. One round might be all you need to feel a serious burn, but feel free to complete more rounds if you’re able! If you work from home you might be able to space out multiple rounds throughout the day.

6 exercises, 0:05 rest in between, 1:00 rest between rounds, complete as few or as many rounds as you have time/strength for.


Mini-workout 8/12/20

0:30 leg raises

0:30 windmills

0:30 bent legs jackknife

0:30 boxer twist

0:30 mountain climbers

0:30 plank

Recommended : 1-5 rounds.

Try it out and let me know how it went!


Foodie Friday : Quick Oats


Monday Minute 8/10/20