Monday Minute 10/19/20

This post is somewhat rambling and chaotic but that is exactly how life feels right now so I’m just going to let it be.

Another busy week! I finished up training for my new job and am working on figuring out my new daily normal. The new job has been a bit chaotic with getting everything set up and getting access to all the information I need in order to compile data but I think I’m all set as of Friday night so hopefully this week will go smoothly and I will be able to establish my routines.

In addition to trying to figure out my new job, I added a new coaching client, I had two current client schedules to write, and I had a new client meeting to schedule! All while we had the kids with us so that added another layer of busyness. They ended up having to come to the track with me on Thursday when I met with a client and I got stung by a bee as soon as we got there… I spent my run watching the hive on my arm grow and trying to ignore the pain. And hoping I didn’t have a severe reaction and wondering how they would handle it if I did… Thankfully I didn’t have to deal with anything worse than the pain. 4 days later the area is still red/itchy and hurts like a bruise when touched…but at least the affected area has grown smaller each day so hopefully it will be completely gone soon!

Hubs and I headed to Lewisburg as soon as we finished work on Friday and thoroughly enjoyed a long weekend in West Virginia. We had a nice long horseback ride on Saturday and caught up with good friends on Saturday and Sunday.

We are headed home now. I had the best intentions of being super productive during the drive home by using the hotspot on my phone to allow me to use my computer to write this post and get started on my spreadsheet work for this week, but something changed in our phone plan unbeknownst to us and we no longer have hotspot capabilities! So I connected the iPad keyboard to my phone and that is how I am getting this blogpost written. Never a dull moment around here, good thing we can be creative in our problem-solving.

I had a bunch of photos to add to this post but I can’t figure out how to do it on the mobile website so I’m out of luck. Maybe I will find time to add them later…

Have a great week!


Workout Wednesday 10/21/20


Foodie Friday : Banana Bread